Articles and interviews by land professionals.

How do I set up my estate?

Key Factors to Consider:

    • Estate planning: Consult with an estate planning attorney to ensure that your wishes for the distribution of your assets, including your land, are clearly stated in a will or trust.

    • Titles and Deeds: Make sure that the title to the land is clear and that any necessary transfer of ownership documents are properly executed and filed with the appropriate government agency.

    • Tax implications: Consider the potential tax implications of transferring ownership of the land to your children, and consult with a tax professional to minimize tax liability.

    • Division of assets: If you have multiple children, consider how you would like the land to be divided among them and if any specific provisions should be made for any of your children.

    • Future use of the land: Consider if you have any specific wishes for how the land should be used by your children, such as maintaining it as a family farm or preserving it for future generations.

    • Debts and Liens: Ensure that the land is free from any debts or liens, and if not, make arrangements to have these resolved before transferring ownership to your children.

    • Contingencies: Consider if there are any contingencies that should be in place, such as a child renouncing their inheritance or the land being sold if all the children agree.